Fundraising case statements

I wrote and project-directed these and dozens more cases to inspire support for University of Colorado programs.

Creating futures magazine

Creating Futures magazine celebrated the excellence and impact of CU donors and programs during a $1.5 billion comprehensive campaign. I founded the magazine, the first external-facing magazine encompassing all four CU System campuses, and edited its five issues.

Other CU advancement projects

These are among hundreds of editorial projects I directed to help CU annually raise $375 million and manage $1 billion+ in endowments.

Media relations

Samples of my CU external relations work include:

News Release: Jake Jabs donates $10 million to CU Denver

News Release: CU breaks record for private support

Crisis communications plan

Media primer (backgrounder for Advancement team)


features, essays, and esoterica 

My writing has been published in over 25 print and digital newspapers, magazines and anthologies. Niches include travel, leisure, home design, philanthropy and arts. A small sampling is below.

Music reviews: Denver Post

Feature: CU Denver’s School of Education

Essay: Cycling in New York City

Feature: Word Up: reporting from the National Scrabble Championship

Humor: Zagat's Guide to Life (featured in "Best of Modern Humorist," Simon & Schuster)

Column: Aspen Food & Wine Classic


projects for non-CU clients

My work has supported numerous nonprofits and educational institutions beyond CU.